Shuwaikh 3rd Industrial Area, Kuwait

Tongkat Ali Chocolate


In addition to Chocolate Benefits:

Rich in iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, zinc, selenium and antioxidants that expand blood vessels and lower blood pressure. It protects against thrombosis, vasculitis, cancer and sunburn. It stimulates the kidney and heart functions and reduces harmful fats in the blood. Chocolate also contains caffeine and theobromine, which stimulate activity and improve mood and cognitive brain function, especially in the elderly, and their verbal fluency also improves.

The powder of the root and bark of )Eurycoma longifolia(  Tongkat ali has been added to add benefits while enjoying the wonderful taste

(Tonkate Ali) has been added to the chocolate, adding to the product the benefits and enjoying the taste.

  • Anti-oxidant because it contains the enzyme (superoxide dismutase), which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells of the body from free radicals and is resistant to some types of cancer and HIV.
  • Tonic for the body and blood circulation by burning excess fat and regenerating energy, eliminating laziness and physical stress, and increasing focus and ability to make effort.
  • Its effect as a male hormone helps in building muscle mass
  • Antipyretic in cases of fever because it contains quesinoid that kills malaria parasite
  • Improving fertility and aphrodisiac for both sexes, alerting the brain to increase the secretion of hormones that stimulate the adrenal cortex in men and women to secrete hormones that stimulate desire and sexual performance and stimulate the production of gametes. It also stimulates the testicles for men to secrete the hormone testosterone, which improves sexual performance, sperm quality and fertility