Shuwaikh 3rd Industrial Area, Kuwait

Black Cumin Honey (Black seed Honey - Habbatus Sauda Honey)


Nigella Seed Honey is a natural honey in which the scent and flavor of Nigella Seed can be clearly detected. It is produced by bees from the nectar of Nigella Seed, Not mixed with its powder.This honey has all the properties of this wonder plant long known for its benefits. Pure Natural Honey extracted by bees from black cumin flower. Free from black cumin powder. It contains all the good qualities & benefits of black cumin.


  • For chest and coughing troubles
  • Strengthens the heart
  • Purifies the blood
  • Stimulates the liver
  • useful for nausea, and purifies the urinary tract
  • Acts as diuretic
  • Very useful for cases of congested bladder
  • Fragments stones


A spoonful of this honey is taken dissolved in half a glass of lukewarm water or milk one hour before every main meal or three hours after it. For general health purposes, it is taken as desired.


The sizes are available in 250 g and 500 g.


From the hive to the bottle

Unheated- Unprocessed - Unfiltered



General information about the black seed (cumin) plant

It grows in the Mediterranean sea , its height is 50 cm, and its scientific name is Nigella Sativa. It is a short plant, not more than 3 mm tall. It belongs to the fennel and anise family. The fruit of the plant contains a capsule containing three-dimensional white seeds, and quickly turns into Black color when exposed to air.

International research and studies:-

1-United State:

American researchers have proven that Nigella sativa activates the immune system in humans. Studies confirm the strong relationship between the black seed and immunity:

  • Dr. Ahmed Al-Qadi and Dr. Osama Qandil conducted a study that showed that consuming one gram of Nigella sativa twice daily may activate the immune system. And that the aqueous extract of Nigella sativa has the ability to activate the secretion of some immune-stimulating factors from lymphocytes and other substances such as interleukin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5......
  • The aqueous extract of Nigella sativa weakens the secretion of acidic gastric juices and prevents the occurrence of gastric ulcers
  • Treating some intestinal worms in sheep and tapeworms in children
  • Some experimental studies revealed that the alcoholic extracts of the black seed had several effects, such as:
  1. Killing many germs and fungi
  2. Extermination of some cancer cells.
  3. Relax the intestinal muscles and curb cramps and pain.
  4. Treating some infected with some intestinal worms such as tapeworm.
  5. Inhibiting pain and inflammation and preventing tooth decay.



  • A study was published in Journal of Planta Medica in 1996, in which Dr. (Houghton) mentioned the properties of volatile black seed oil against joint pain and rheumatism. In London
  • The Arab researcher (Rima Anas Mustafa) conducted a study in the laboratories of King's University in London, under the supervision of British professors, and that study proved the presence of antibacterial properties in the volatile oil of the black seed.
  • In 1993, an international journal published annals of allergy, a study conducted on mice to prove the role of black seed in allergic diseases.
  • In the International Journal of Pharmacology 1993, a study was published showing black seed extract and its ability to lower blood sugar in rabbits.
  • In 1992, the journal phototherapy research published a study indicating the benefits of volatile black seed oil in inhibiting the growth of two famous bacteria that kill hundreds of thousands of children in the world: cholera and shiggella, which cause severe diarrhea in children.



Mujeza Laboratory tests the effectiveness of sider , Manuka, and black cumin honey in killing microbes