Shuwaikh 3rd Industrial Area, Kuwait

Propolis Honey Super 3 in 1 - Sachets


Natural yemeny sidr honey with green propolis and fresh royal jelly
Green Propolis Honey (Akbar) Royal Jelly and Yemeni Sidr Honey Al-Douani is an unique world of the protective and curing advantages. The current trends are increasingly directed towards using the natural products for enhancing the public health and treating some diseases. The Royal Jelly and the (Propolis) – which is called Akbar or bee’s glue in Arabic- are deemed the best products adopted in the alternative medicine at the recent days. The significance of the Royal Jelly is not just limited to its being the content having the most valuable nutritional value than the mammals’ milk , but also it is distinguished with its special combination which makes it stable in the body and pass by the blood with no need to the digestion processes. In addition to it, it contains much sugars, proteins, cholesterol substances, mineral elements, vitamins, enzymes, the fundamental nutritional elements and the antioxidants that work on refreshing the youth age, delaying aging, and enhancing the immune system in children and newborns that makes it ideal for elders, younger people, patients, healthy people, and athletes.


The queen larva receives special care in the royal incubator

It is proved that the royal jelly has protective and therapeutic features against flue, tooth decay, sore throat, bleeding, diabetes, rheumatology, liver, pulmonary diseases, heart & blood vessels diseases, atherosclerosis and kidney failure, skin diseases, nerves and psychological diseases, increased nervousness, anxiety, and tension bouts. It is also proved that it strengthen the memory, increases the awareness, balances hormones, and helps on destructing toxins , healing wounds, and maintaining bone density for break protection. Also, in treating the enlarged and infected prostate.
It contributes in treating the ED and sterility. The royal jelly helps with treating persons suffering from premature aging and ED. The royal jelly is considered as tonic for the reproductive organs whereas it contains vitamins, hormones, and the nutritional elements necessary for it. For men, the royal jelly works on increasing the number and vitality of the sperms that enhances the opportunities of occurring pregnancy. It also has ideal impact on the sexual performance of both men and women, as well as being tonic for ovulation and very suitable for women in the postpartum convalescence.


The bees collect a resin from the dark-color trees’ tops then kneading them in combs then adding their secretions. There it is transformed into a substance similar to mortar coating their network’s walls and the hexagonal premises where they lay their eggs in for sterilizing it and sealing the cracks in their network.

The worker bee covers the walls of the hive with propolis

This substances is called (Akbar) , (Comb), or (Propolis) which is the most fascinating substance of the beehive. Many scholars think that the akbar is entered to the future medicines store from its wide gate whereas its indications sounded assertive in treating many diseases as well as its features of enhancing the vitality and beauty of skin and hair which makes it the priority requirement for all men. The best types of it; is the green Aakbar
The Propolis Honey is distinguished with the merge of honey with the propolis in close manner that produces the features of the honey and propolis together in which the propolis maintains the honey fresh totally as it sounds just picked from the network and forbid its damaging. The eater hereby benefits from the honey’s multiple features in which the most important are:
•    Be a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals which are responsible for many chronic diseases such as arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, joint pains and senility.
•    Be useful in cases of convalescence and reduce the diseases of aging.
•    Be anti-microbial, so it is useful in cases of microbial infection (bacterial, fungal, viral), where it inhibits the activity and growth of many of these microbes, and also stimulate the effect of antibiotics.
•    Be anti-inflammatory, and this is useful in cases of arthritis and rheumatic fever as it has a similar effect to aspirin.
•    Help in cases of liver diseases as it resists liver cells damage and helps them to function.
•    Be anti-tumor that enhances the capacity of the immune system and urges it to produce antibodies and killer cells which would destroy the cancer cells.
•    Be used to help in treatment of most infections of the body in a safe way as it has no side effects.
•    Help to speed up healing of wounds and burns without being subject to complications or defective healing.
•    Reduce formation of blood clots with more than one mechanism as it has a blood thinning effect.
•    Boost immunity, protect nervous tissue
•    Help in the treatment of diabetes.
•    Ease the pain of arthritis, rheumatism and hemorrhoids.
•    Assist in protecting against atherosclerosis and chronic diseases 
•    Stop tooth decay and pain.
•    Eliminate unwanted smell of the mouth, and has other medicinal uses
In fact there is nothing in nature equals the Propolis and the royal jelly till day and human cannot make anything in which its features. The Propolis is immunity tonic that makes it useful in the immunocompromised and convalescence cases. It also reduces the aging diseases whereas it functions as protector of the nervous tissue. It is useful in the liver diseases whereas it resists the damage to the liver cells and assists it with performing its functions. It also removes the undesirable mouth odor plus its further medications.
For knowing the nutritional and healthy unique features of the royal jelly, it is enough know that drops of such amazing food are enough to transfer an ordinary bee larva to a queen differentiated than the other remaining bees in terms of larger size than others and much longevity, however it continues laying the eggs days and nights. The scholars hereby directed to benefit from its great capacity in activating the spawning and fertilization at humans.
Two spoons of Propolis honey can be taken by adults morning and evening, preferably half an hour before eating, while children can take two tea spoons instead. It should be noted that all bee products may cause allergic symptoms in some people. In such cases it is quite enough to stop the use of the product for these symptoms to disappear.
The size(s) are available in 250 g & 500g.
Two spoons of Propolis honey can be taken by adults morning and evening, preferably half an hour before eating, while children can take two tea spoons instead. It should be noted that all bee products may cause allergic symptoms in some people. In such cases it is quite enough to stop the use of the product for these symptoms to disappear.
Features of Sidr honey
Sidr honey is produced by bees who only feed on the nectar of Sidr trees, one of the oldest trees that mentioned in the Holy Quran. Sider honey is considered one of the finest honey and it's been known for healing benefits since ancient time. The herbalists preferred it for curing diseases and promoting health because it gives better results comparing with other types of honey. Sidr honey has many variants, each has different features and specifications, all of which captured the attention of researchers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who have conducted several experiments on samples of honey from all over the world (available in Saudi market). They found that Sidr honey contains a high proportion of minerals.
Sidr honey is characterized by golden light color, it darkens and tends toward redness over time. While fresh and newly produced, it reminds you the same aromatic smell of Sidr tree in the month of October, the season when Sidr tree is flowering. Sidr honey is different from one region to another, so the taste, color, aroma and density. All variants share the exquisite taste, splendid aroma and all of them are very expensive. In Saudi Arabia, Sidr trees are found in areas close to Yemen, where the Kingdom of Seba used to be the home of Sidr which is mentioned in the Holy Quran verse 16 of Sura Saba, "and something of few Sidr". Each valley of Yemen has story to tell about Sidr.
Among the most famous areas in Yemen for producing Sidr honey are Dowan in Hadramout, jardan, Bayhan in Shabwa. In all these areas honey bees feed themselves exclusively on the nectar from the Sidr trees. Like other types of honey, Sidr honey needs good care through all stages starting from production to packaging, testing of samples and storage. Honey is very sensitive and it change at the lowest degree of temperature, any mistake while processing might turns it into harmful material instead of being healthy.
Some researches took place in Egypt had shown higher percentage of antioxidants in Sidr honey compared with other types of honey. Sidr trees in Egypt are in Sina and other areas, and when our General Manager visited the Valley of Tur Mountain in Sina, he received Sidr honey as a gift from beekeepers there.
According to tests carried out by the laboratory technician Zabihullah Ahmed Reda at (Miracle Healing in Kuwait - quality control department) Sidr honey doesn't change when exposed to heat, whether low, medium or high and even at the temperature of 80° C degree, except that little thing, which is negligible in terms of both sugars diverse it contains or enzymes that change rate in other types of honey very quickly even when exposed to low temperatures, as well as the HMF (an indicator of the adulteration of honey with invert syrups -syrups of glucose and fructose), did not rise in Sidr honey except for two degrees or three degrees, while it rose in the other types of honey and reached up to 30 and even 50 degrees (in ppm) at temperature of 70-80 ° C within half an hour. Also a sample of an old Sidr honey stored in sealed glass for 10 years is examined in the same laboratory, it shows no changes in the chemical composition, quality specifications and the percentage of HMF didn't increase.
When the director of the company and founder asked the Director and Technician of the laboratory of quality in Kuwait about his experiences and observations over the past years about the types of honey entering the country, he told us that he found this type (means Sidr honey) is the finest honey and completely comply with the required standards and specifications. Several laboratory examinations were done on Sidr honey at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (a governmental research foundation with high potential and high-tech devices) it has confirmed the quality of Sidr honey.
In a recent study by researcher Dr. Aman Ahmed Mohammed Zubair from the University of "UCSI" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia supervised by Dr. Patrick Oukichacoa, demonstrated the effectiveness of Sidr honey in treating inflammation, reducing excessive fever and stabilize activity of the body's cells and protect against injury and relieve pain. The study, conducted on (rats) showed that, the pharmacological effect of Sidr honey is higher than aspirin and indomethacin (an antipyretics and pain relievers).
Researches are still underway to determine the pharmacological mechanisms of Sidr honey and its effectiveness for treating other diseases, the study is the first scientific document published internationally.
The study was published in the magazine (World Academy of Medical Sciences, Engineering and Technology) and high court. Also the research was discussed in a conference held in France - Paris Augustus 2011, and Britain - London Dec, 2011. It is worth mentioning that the researcher was a girl student from Yemen studying Medical genetics and biotechnology in Malaysia. She's a member of the American Society for Pharmacology and therapeutics, and a member of the British pharmaceuticals society.
Despite these obvious facts, Sidr trees is still surrounded with a lot of ambiguity in the Arab culture, it says that Sidr honey is been used in magic and sorcery along with others treatment uses. Hundreds years ago, Sidr honey was given as a gift to kings, princes to express appreciation and loyalty. In other cultures, we found that old Indian used Sidr honey to solve eyes' problems and clear vision. In Western culture, Sidr trees is sacred among Christians.
Arabs Beekeepers Association during its sixth International Conference has revealed a research conducted at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Aden in order to study the effect of six types of honey from Yemen (Sidr, somor, qasas, and Mara'i for the treatment of abscesses in the breast and buttocks.
The results showed that there was significant difference (P>0.01) between the honey sorts on dressing period of gluteal abscesses. The period was shorter (8 days) when treated with sidr honey, while the longer period (13.25 days) was found in treatment of range honey. The dressing period was 9.75, 10.5 days in somor and qasas treatments respectively. There was no significant difference between the dressing period of breast abscesses when using honey sorts, sidr, somor and qasas. The using period was 8.33, 9.33, 11.0 days respectively.
Also Arabs Beekeepers Association during its sixth International Conference has revealed experiments conducted in the laboratory by the Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture - University of Sana'a to evaluate the influence of six Yemeni honeys (Sallam, Sidr Wessabi, Sidr Dowani, zohoori, Mar'i Dowani and Somor) and other commercial type of honey with five concentration (0.5%, 1%, 5%, 10% and 20%) against pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aurogenosa and Proteus. Our results indicated that the honeys for good effects against pathogenic bacteria were Sallam, Flowers and Dwani pasture, followed by Sidr Wessabi and the third honeys group were Sidr Dowani and Soomur. However, no antibacterial activity was seen for commercial honey. 
The best concentration for good antibacterial activity was 20% followed by 10%. It is clear from our data that Dwani pasture honey exhibit good activities against growth of E.coli and Pseudomonas aurogenosa at all concentration, also, minimal inhibition was appeared against Staphylococcus aureus at 5, 10 and 20% for its. However, Sidr Dwani honey was appeared highly effects against all pathogenic bacteria under study with highl significance at 20% followed by Sallam honey at the same concentration. No antibacterial activity was seen at honey concentration 0.5, 1 and 5% for the majority of honeys. Key words: honey, antibacterial, pathogenic bacteria and Yemen.
Green propolis (bee glue) net fluid without alcohol was as Apth food concentration in the oil 90%, Dripping in water or juice and drink.
The proportion of propolis (bee glue) in the honey Brobbozhel only about 4%.
Reasonable proportion to support public health and to increase immunity of the average person.
But in both cases, treatment of skin diseases or internal, such as stomach and/or duodenal ulcers or inflammation of the colon or other ailments, It is preferable to increase the concentration of Propolis which is added to Brobbozhel in the same package  or Brobbozhel honey or other natural honey product.
As needed for the case (and in all cases it is safe because it is a nutritional supplement, not a drug) and then eat with a spoon at the morning and night.
By treating severe inflammation with ( PRO PLUS) it gives quick results with minor dosages when used every three hours nearly for a period of 3 days.
Mujeza Laboratory tests the effectiveness of sider , Manuka, and black cumin honey in killing microbes


Propolis honey with its anti-parasitic compounds that cause leishmaniasis, especially those affecting the skin, is used topically on skin infections. The most important compounds in anti-propolis are cinnamic, propionic and terpenes.